Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams & Latent Content

For the past year I have been having dreams about my family and I getting into serious car accidents. Another dream that has been reoccurring is that I have been dreaming about stalkers following me around and eventually coming to my house when I'm sleeping and then I get raped and killed. Another dream that I can think of is that I get lost in a dessert or island and I cant go home.

"Are you driving yourself too hard? Perhaps you should slow your life down a bit. If your life feels like it is set on a course for disaster, examine your mistakes and resolve to set a new and better course. If the accident happens to someone else in your dream then examine your heart for you may have suppressed hostility towards that person. Unexpressed jealousy resentment or hatred may be finding its release through your dream."
RESPONSE: I agree about the first when it says that you might driving your self to hard and that could be a problem that I should look into. Although i agree with the first part. I really don't agree with the second part about hating the person that's getting in the accident. Because I love my dad more than anything and when i wake up from the dream i feel terrible about him getting in an accident. I start to believe that might happen later in life. 

"To dream that you are being stalked, indicates difficulties and problems which you are not confronting. Your avoidance of these problems is not making them go away. If you are being stalked in real life, then this fear may be carried over into your dream state. To dream that the doors are closed or locked, signify opportunities that are denied and not available to you or that you have missed out on. Something or someone is blocking your progress."
RESPONSE: I think this might be right because i have been trying to avoid all of the problems that i have been having. And i dont really agree on the last part about someone is blocking your progress.

"Stranded: Being stranded can mean you feel you're feeling stuck or lacking support somehow in your real life."

RESPONSE: I feel i dont have a lot support from my dad or brother with school or sports.




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