Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bullying, Harassment, & the Need to Belong!

1. Yes, my eyes have opened up. I think about all the times that I have bullied some one or was a bystander. I should of known what I was doing to them. I have been bullied before and its a terrible feeling. I think it kind of made me feel like I was better than them but really it was hurting me and making feel like a terrible person. Overall, watching this video, listening to the officer, and listen to Mr. Verboomen has made me think about what I'm doing.

2. There is a line between unacceptable and acceptable. I would say that acceptable to bullying would be with your friends if you know for sure that your friends are okay with it. But on the other hand some unacceptable bullying is bullying someone that don't know your joking and your doing it to hurt their feelings.

3. I will definitely change how I act, I'm not saying that I'm a bully all the time. There has been times where I have stuck up for kids. But I need to change all the times that I have done wrong. This psychology class has been really life changing, and I have learned a LOT! Thank You :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Twilight Zone

Blog about your impressions of the Twilight Zone episode we watched. Were you surprised at the end? I was totally surprised at the end, i really thought that she would have a really different face. I really did expect her to be pretty, it was really interested.

Is beauty subjective? Does it change? Explain.
Beauty does change from clultures and time periods, there isnt a set beauty.

According to your standards of beauty, what is "beautiful" in 2010 in Kimberly, Wisconsin? (Is this realistic?)
Everyone is beautiful in their own way,but if i had to say long hair, tall and skinny.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Role Playing

I thought that the guards surprised me the most because they were normal people and all off a sudden they started becoming really mean. If I was chosen to do this experiment and be a guard, I would of never disrespected the prisoners like that. I was really surprised with what they were doing. Such as, making them do push ups or make them go against the other prisoners. The experiment was a good idea, but I think that it was taken way to far.

Question, do these things really happen in real prisons now a days? Are prisoners really treated like that?