Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rorschach Ink Blot!

All About Me (;

There are many things I would like you to know about me! To start of, I hate fish, and I love the show Jersey Shore! I also love to play sports and be active. Being active is very important to me. I play softball all year around on two different teams. The first team i play on is for the school and they are a called the Kimberly Papermakers. On this team we play and practice during the spring. Our rival is the Kaukauna Ghosts, every year we play them and its a big game. People from all over come to watch us, because its a very important. Beating the Kaukauna Ghosts is like winning the lottery. Well not really, but very close! :) The other team that I play in is a summer team. Just this last summer was my first summer with Wisconsin Elite and it was a big success! We played in tournaments all over the United States! In my opinion, it was a blast and we did very well.

Another thing that i would like you to know about me is that I love to travel! Last summer I traveled to Denver, Colorado to play in a softball tournament with 700 teams!! I also went to San Diego, California to visit my best friend Alejandra that moved there around Christmas time last year :( good thing me and my friend got to visit her this summer. California was the best week of my life!! I absolutely love it there! Everything is just so beautiful :) Alejandra took us to Hollywood, it was sooo awesome! Too bad we didn't see any stars :P Lastly, I went to Kentucky for softball nationals and it was so cool! There were a ton of teams in the tournament. Sadly we did not win, but it was a bunch of fun! So that's pretty much all about me and what i did this summer!

Crazy Celebrity Assignment! (:

Name: Amy Winehouse

Behaviors Exhibited: Drinking, drug abuse, partying, questioning sexual preference, dresses provocatively, has numerous tattoos of naked women on her body, at one of her concerts that she was performing at she started vomiting half way through her first song. She also promoted smoking and drinking.

Psychoanalytic: Unconsciously Amy decided to get tattoos on her body of naked women. She wanted to put them on her body because she questions her sexuality. She even said, "I like pin-up girls. I’m more of a boy than a girl."

Cognitive: Amy believes that if she goes on stage and drinks beer she will perform better.

Biological: Amy`s brain chemistry controls her emotions and thoughts. All of the drugs that she has taken and drinking have made her in to a "crazy" celebrity that she is. Amy was hospitalized for severe exhaustion on August 8th 2007.

Humanistic: When Amy was younger she decided to follow in her mothers footsteps. Her mother would tell her, " Drugs make you happy!"

Behavioral: Amy was rewarded by people buying her music. For instance, her album Back To Black reached #1 in the UK album charts.

Crazy Celebrity Post

"Crazy Celebrity" Assignment! :)

Name: Amy Winehouse

Behaviors Exhibited: Drinking, drug abuse, partying, questioning sexual preference, dresses provocatively, has numerous tattoos of naked women on her body, at one of her concerts that she was performing at she started vomiting half way through her first song. She also promoted smoking and drinking.

Psychoanalytic: Unconsciously Amy decided to get tattoos on her body of naked women. She wanted to put them on her body because she questions her sexuality. She even said, "I like pin-up girls. I’m more of a boy than a girl."

Cognitive: Amy believes that if she goes on stage and drinks beer she will perform better.

Biological: Amy`s brain chemistry controls her emotions and thoughts. All of the drugs that she has taken and drinking have made her in to a "crazy" celebrity that she is. Amy was hospitalized for severe exhaustion on August 8th 2007.

Humanistic: When Amy was younger she decided to follow in her mothers footsteps. Her mother would tell her, " Drugs make you happy!"

Behavioral: Amy was rewarded by people buying her music. For instance, her album Back To Black reached #1 in the UK album charts